Timor Leste 2024 Trip A Blog

Timor-Leste 2024 - Trip A / Day 2


Mrs. Fisher and Father Olek started the day with a mass held at the Chapel in Dili, Father Olek had the honour of helping at the mass. 

We had the day exploring Dili. First we went to the Pope John Paul statue which was pretty impressive and had an amazing view. Eddie told us a fun fact that the buckets that were in the trees all throughout the mountains actually had placenta's in them and this brings good luck. 

We then made our way to the Presidential Palace where the President of Timor has set up canteens to feed those in need. We had the pleasure of trying the food, meeting locals, and meeting the President himself. 

After we finished the Presidential Palace we made our way up the mountains to Dare to visit a WW2 memorial which also looked out across Timor, with incredible views. 

We welcomed Lewis Sigley with big open arms after his eventful few days of trying to get to Timor. Lewis's first adventure in Timor was walking down to the supermarket where he was so confused as to whether to buy cold water or not. 

We then finished the day with a very special dinner at the Proema restaurant school where we had some very impressive meals. 

Until tomorrow! 

PS: We wanted to finish the day with a special quote from Eddie: "Live with no hatred, forgive, but don't forget". 








Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.