Tenison Woods College berkomitmen untuk menciptakan komunitas belajar yang bersemangat, transformatif, dan tangguh dengan kesejahteraan sebagai jantung dari semua yang kami lakukan. Ketangguhan dan kesejahteraan sangat penting untuk pengembangan akademis dan sosial dan ini ditekankan oleh penyediaan lingkungan belajar yang aman, mendukung dan saling menghormati. Tidak hanya anak-anak muda yang percaya diri dan tangguh dengan kapasitas kecerdasan emosi yang lebih baik secara akademis, keterampilan ini juga dapat berkontribusi pada penciptaan ikatan sosial yang kuat dan komunitas yang mendukung, dan pemeliharaan hubungan yang sehat dan gaya hidup yang bertanggung jawab.

Kami berjanji untuk mengajarkan siswa kami keterampilan yang mereka butuhkan untuk berkembang, untuk mengelola dan mengatasi peluang dan tantangan dalam dunia yang terus berubah dan untuk mencapai tujuan mereka. Untuk tujuan ini kami telah membentuk kemitraan dengan lembaga Penelitian Kesehatan dan Medis Australia Selatan (SAHMRI) untuk memberikan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan dan Ketahanan kepada komunitas sekolah, staf, siswa, dan orang tua kami. Program ini menekankan pentingnya PERMA + dalam hidup kita: Emosi Positif, Keterlibatan, Hubungan, Makna, Prestasi plus nutrisi, tidur dan optimisme.

Kesejahteraan tertanam dalam budaya kita sebagai bagian dari kerangka belajar dan mengajar kita. Keterampilan dan pola pikir yang mempromosikan kesejahteraan diajarkan secara eksplisit dalam program-program Perawatan Pastoral kami dan secara implisit melalui jaringan dukungan terstruktur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kesehatan fisik, spiritual, sosial, mental dan emosional setiap siswa.

Program Perawatan Pastoral

Sepanjang tahun semua siswa melakukan kurikulum khusus berdasarkan berbagai program seperti Kurikulum Perlindungan Anak negara, Menjaga Keamanan Cyber, Memecah Kebisuan Terhadap Kekerasan, Kimochis, Bounce Back dan sumber daya sosial dan emosional lainnya yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kami. siswa dan masalah saat ini.


Kami sangat baik sumber daya dengan staf untuk mendukung siswa kami untuk meningkatkan ketahanan mereka, berurusan dengan isu-isu dan 21 masalah navigasi abad. Setiap tingkat tahun memiliki Koordinator Kesejahteraan yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengawasi siswa di tingkat tahun mereka, memberikan dukungan bagi siswa dan guru mereka dan membantu menciptakan rasa memiliki yang begitu penting. Selain Koordinator Kesejahteraan, kami memiliki tiga penasihat siswa yang tersedia untuk semua siswa dan keluarga. Josie Ashby bekerja dengan R-5 dan melakukan penyaringan pengembangan siswa dan menjalankan kelompok prososial. Laura Herbert dan Mairead Mackle melakukan konseling tatap muka dan membantu dengan program kelas proaktif. Selain itu, kami memiliki Direktur Kesejahteraan yang bekerja erat dengan keluarga dan mengawasi kebijakan dan program kesehatan dan kesejahteraan.

Direktur Kesejahteraan:

Tania Sigley

Koordinator Kesejahteraan

  • Tahun-Tahun Awal: Pemotongan Ang (Perm)
  • Penerimaan untuk Tahun 5: Melissa Bucik dan Donna Johnson
  • Tahun 6/7: Fraser Marshall
  • Tahun 8: Sharon Brodie
  • Tahun 9: Justine Forrest dan Brad Maney
  • Tahun 10: David Cole
  • Tahun 11 dan 12: Marilena Wilson

Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa

Bagian dari membina kesejahteraan adalah mengakui perlunya memiliki budaya kepemimpinan siswa yang kuat. Siswa kami memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan mereka baik melalui dewan siswa atau kelompok minat tertentu. Setiap sub-sekolah memiliki Dewan Siswa, Grup Keadilan Sosial dan Grup Lingkungan. Peluang ini semakin ditingkatkan dengan peran kepemimpinan dalam olahraga dan musik.

Pemimpin Mahasiswa Senior 2019

Kapten Sekolah:

James Lucas, Emily Turley

Pemimpin Iman:

Adele Prosperi Porta, Ryleigh McBain, Laura Cesario

Pemimpin Kesejahteraan:

Clare Jolley, Chloe Futcher, Rylee Snook, Chelsea Moulden, Matthew Dell 'Antonio, Lily Bannister

Pemimpin Keberlanjutan:

Breydon Verryt Reid, Sabina Theobald, Lexie Saxon

Pemimpin Musik:

Portia Holdman, Taylor Pearson

Pemimpin Olahraga:

Gabby Van Rijn, Bailey Musci

Pemimpin Rumah:

Champagnat: Finn Grimes, Sarah Opie

McAuley: Kyle Jones, Lara MacGregor

MacKillop: Matt Black, Lara Willoughby

Woods: Nick Kourmouzis, Hannah Nulty

Early Learning & Junior Years



Kimochis® (Kimochi means 'feeling' in Japanese) is a social-emotional learning program that teaches children real-life skills, such as how to identify and express their emotions, self-control, problem solving, and communication.

Each character has a unique temperament and personality. They are accompanied by plush feelings that help them to build their emotional vocabulary.

During each session, teachers will focus on the Kimochis® Keys to Communication tools to help your child learn how to speak in a respectful and responsible way and listen openly.





Neuromotor readiness for learning aims to improve immature motor skills and posture instability. Research has shown a direct correlation of immature motor skills and education achievement. The developmental program utilises exercises focusing on balance, coordination, retained primitive reflexes. 







As the leaders of the Junior School, Year 6 students engage in an eight week program where our female and male students undertake specifically designed leadership programs utilising Girl Power and Rock & Water programs. Students learn their strengths and how to ground themselves to grow their confidence to respond to situations.






Middle Years

Our Middle School Pastoral Care program utilises the SHINE+ motto in programs purposely catering for the needs of each of Middle School students and their developmental stages. The Pastoral Care lessons each week also support Year 7 and 8 students with their transition into high school by supporting goal setting and organisation.

Pastoral Care is incorporated into the 9SHINE program which is a purposely intergrated subject including Health and Physical Education and Outdoor Education which supports the needs of Year 9 students.

Students also engage in the Youth Encounter alcohol and other drug education online program mapped to the Australian Curriculum and the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum. The interactive exact research-based online learning platform consists of content, graphics, short videos and downloadable PDFs for each student.



Big Life Journal evidence-based resources are utilised in order to grow students self-esteem, resilience, love of learning and the ability to take on challenges. The engaging resources also help students to set goals with a growth mindset, learn from mistakes and focus on solutions rather than problems.






Year 8 students participate in an eight-week course in gender specific classes. Females student complete ‘The Becoming A Woman’ life matter course and the males the ‘A Blueprint To Becoming A Man’. The topics include: Gender stereotypes / Leadership / Mental Health / Relationships / Body Image / Purpose.






Through presentations, student curriculum, teacher resources and digital content, the Resilience Project’s Education Program supports mental health in the classroom.

The research is clear; the more positive emotions you experience, the more resilient you will be. For that reason, the course focuses on three key pillars that have been proven to cultivate positive emotions; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM), with Emotional Literacy being a foundational skill to practice these strategies.





Senior Years

Our Senior School Pastoral Care program utilises our SHINE+ motto to assist Senior School students to learn and grow over their senior years through the THRIVE online program. Pastoral Care lessons also support students with goal setting, organisation, study skills and their pathways.




Students engage in lessons that support students to understand the remarkable power of the human brain, neuroplasticity and assessing their mindsets.

Students use an evidence-based goal setting process (T.O.P.) learning from famous failures to foster perseverance and passion toward their goals by ‘getting gritty’.






Through the UPP program, there is a focus on "rising by lifting others" and active listening, in order to build authentic friendships. The 6 elements of wellbeing are explored which will enhance students' wellbeing.

Buddy Program

The buddy program is based on the Alannah and Madeline Better Buddies program which encourages cross-aged relationships throughout the school. Older students and their younger buddies all benefit from participation in the program. Older students develop an extra sense of meaning and purpose through their work with their younger buddies, while the younger students develop a strong, caring connection with an older buddy and are also assisted in their academic, social and emotional learning.

Each level is buddied up with another class as per the table below. The classes will engage in activities throughout the year such as reading, special days; Charity Day, Reconciliation Week, R U OK? Day and Liturgies to name a few.

Learning Assistance Program

Year 12 students and other selected Senior School students have the opportunity to engage for a single lesson a week with a younger student that may need support in building confidence, a skill or benefit from a positive relationship.

Student Leadership

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.