General Tips

Safe Exam Browser - Configuration File




*Pre-note: this is the page for the Configuration File - Press this link to navigate back to the FAQ and Installation page on the TWC Portal*

Stileapp Configuration File Download


The configuration file

The configuration file is a small file supplied to you by your class teacher either through email or on SEQTA (StileApp link can be found here). This determines what webpage you begin the test from (most of the time through Stileapp).

Official guide from SEB


You can change the configuration file through these steps below:


PC & MacOS

1. Download the resource from your class teacher.


2. Save the file in a folder in your documents or on OneDrive where you can easily access it.


3. Double click the counfiguraton file to enable it in the Safe Exam Browser.


The Safe Exam Browser will now launch with the settings in the Configuration File.


Running the Browser

The Safe Exam Browser will ONLY run the most recently selected Configuration File. If you are being redirected to an unexpected page after launching it, you will need to exit and retry double-clicking the Configuration File again.


Important Note: No other exam browsers can be installed on the computer at the same time as the Safe Exam Browser (i.e. Nap Locked Down Browser, SACE Exam Browser, etc).

Note: If you have any issues setting up the Safe Exam Browser, see your class teacher or contact the TWC ICT Department for further assistance/information.

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.