

Videos Shine A Light On College

Tenison Woods College has a strong on-line digital presence. Our Public Relations department are regularly covering College community events through photos and now also videos. Take a look at some of...

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Year 12 Final Day

Last Friday was a very special day for our Year 12 students and their families. It marked a rite of passage, as it was their last day of formalities as a Tenison Woods College student. The day c...

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2019 School Captains

At last week’s whole school assembly we congratulated our Year 12’s for their efforts over the past year as our senior leaders; it has been an outstanding year for student leadership and t...

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New Fence in preparation for 'Koala Crossing'

  You may have noticed that a perimeter fence was installed along Shepherdson Road and White Avenue over the weekend. You will also then have noticed only the one designated entry & exit poi...

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Vinnies Badge Day

Last Friday students and staff from all 3 sub-schools volunteered to collect money for the annual Vinnies Badge Day. With their big smiles and positive greetings, they raised approximately $760 for pe...

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Chapel Celebrates 50 years

Everybody is invited to celebrate 50 years of the Tenison Woods College Chapel. There will be a Mass of Thanksgiving on Monday 12 November at 5:00pm, followed by a memorial tree planting outside of t...

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Action Research 2018

Last Thursday and Friday, staff took part in the Tenison Woods College 2018 Action Research Conference. The conference was an opportunity for staff to share and reflect on their craft as Catholic educ...

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.