

Little Mermaid Poplars Performance

In Week 6, our Little Mermaid characters donned their costumes for the final time as they put on an interactive performance for the Poplars students. The Poplars watched on as the cast performed a ...


2024 Reception Transition Visit

Over the past two weeks, the College welcomed the 2024 Reception students as part of their two days of transition. The young students have enjoyed meeting their teachers, making friends and learning a...


Christmas Pageant Presentation

A selection of students accompanied Kiahna Little a Year 6 Student Leader who participated in the Pageant to be presented with the $500 prize money for the Best Christmas Theme. Kiahna wrote and read ...


Remembrance Day Assembly

We opened our Rememberance Day Assembly on Friday with our Hymn Ensemble, 2024 School Captains Teangi Stephens and Bree Robinson, welcomed students and our special guests to the assembly. We were j...


'The Little Mermaid' Musical

Congratulations to all the students, staff and parents involved in the 2023 Musical 'The Little Mermaid.' The wonderful performance, supported by staff Callum Byrne, Samara Hough, Sarah Ray...


Year 6 Canberra Camp

Our Year 6 students have recently undertaken an educational visit of Canberra - the national capital. Students had the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs, with a focus ...


Year 5s Contribute to Christmas Lunch

Mrs Von Duve's Year 5 class have donated stationery packs for the children's gift bags to be given out at the upcoming Mount Gambier Community Christmas Lunch. The students placed the vario...

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Year 7/8 T20 Cricket

The tension had been building for many weeks prior to this epic clash between Grant High School and Tenison Woods College at Marist Park. The sun was out, the pitch was flat(ish) and the Tenison boys ...


Working Bee

Students, staff and our College Community came together on Saturday to add some touches to our College grounds. Our volunteers helped to add extra soft fall chips to the MacKillop Junior School...


Year 12 Last Day of Formal Lessons

On Friday, our Year 12 cohort celebrated their last day of formal lessons. The morning started off with a breakfast catered by the Sugarloaf Cafe, before their Reception buddies led them into their...

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.