
Mishael Thomas.JPG
Mishael Thomas was awarded the College Dux prize with an ATAR result of 98.7 Mishael is planning to begin University in 2017, studying medicine.

2016 Year 12 Results


At Tenison Woods College 18 students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) greater than 90. The College Dux prize for 2016 was awarded to Mishael Thomas with an ATAR result of 98.7.

Mishael is currently in India visiting family and woke at 3.30am this morning to check her results.

“Mum actually woke me up. I logged in at 3.30am with Mum and Dad. They are very proud. I am a little bit stunned by the results. I thought I would get a high score, but didn’t know how high it would be,” Miss Thomas said.

Mishael is hoping to begin University in 2017 to study medicine.

“I have applied all over Australia, so happy to go wherever I get in,” she said.

“I would like to thank God for this. I also want to thank the staff at Tenison Woods College and all the teachers of my subjects, as well as my family for supporting me throughout the entire year.”

Mishael plans to spend today celebrating with her family in India.

Other outstanding results rounding out the top eight Tenison Woods College students include Annabel Brooks with an ATAR of 96.05, Charlotte Marsh with 95.9, Jayme Dent and Tori Kitschke both scoring 95.6, Ryan Williams with 95.4 and Hamish Gleeson and Mayah Jurd-Sneath both with 95.15.

A further 15 students gained an ATAR of greater than 80.

School Captain, Tori Kitschke achieved a Governor of South Australia Commendation.

Eight students attained Straight A’s in their subjects; Mishael Thomas, Ryan Williams, Jayme Dent, Laura Beckman, Annabel Brooks, Mayah Jurd-Sneath, Keah Lynch and Olivia McEvoy.

There were two perfect scores (20/20) achieved by Annabel Brooks and Hamish Gleeson (English Communications).

Tenison Woods College Principal David Mezinec is proud of the 2016 Year 12 cohort who have achieved solid final grades.

“I am delighted to find that 19% of our students were in the top 10% of the state and 35% of our students were in the top 20% of the state. Such results are testimony to the efforts of students, staff and families, who have worked incredibly hard to achieve this success,” Mr Mezinec said.

“The class of 2016 have worked solidly throughout the year and their results are a reflection of their consistent hard work and application to their goals. I am also delighted that so many of our students who have achieved at the highest levels this year are from regional areas. Such results are testimony to the opportunities Tenison Woods College provides to our students throughout the Limestone Coast.”

Mr Mezinec reminded students who may not have achieved the results they expected that ATAR scores aren’t the be all and end all.

“If students didn’t receive the results they were expecting it is important that they do not become too disheartened and remember that the tertiary and higher education learning environment enables multiple entry points, articulations and pathways to achieve a final qualification goal,” he said.

“If students are entering the workforce it is important to remember that SACE results are only one predictor of potential success. The significant currencies in the world of work remain attitude, presence and attention to the task, teamwork and loyalty to the organisation; all of which can be attained with a deliberate approach despite the level of academic achievement,” Mr Mezinec said.



Mishael Thomas


Annabel Brooks


Charlotte Marsh


Jayme Dent


Tori Kitschke


Ryan Williams


Hamish Gleeson


Mayah Jurd-Sneath


Isabelle Robinson


Maxwell Blakeway


Keah Lynch


Olivia McEvoy


Jack Gosling


William Gilbertson



Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.