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Year 11 Students Clean Up the Ocean


On Monday 18 September, one of our Year 11 classes embarked on a meaningful excursion to Port MacDonnell, conducting a beach clean-up. The purpose of this exercise stemmed from the ‘Life, Universe and Integral Ecology’ topic studied throughout the second semester of the Year 11 Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning course. Using the ‘TAKE 3 FOR THE SEA’ charity organisation for inspiration, each individual was required to contribute in some way to help bring this event together. The class really stepped up and having learned about how plastic pollution is devastating oceans, killing wildlife, changing our climate and threatening the overall health of our planet, they wanted to take their own action and raise awareness.


The group started with an important briefing at the Port MacDonnell foreshore and Jetty before moving on to Finger Point Beach and finally the Woolwash. Across each of these sites there were multiple bags used by the students to collect lots of different types of rubbish, including litter. On a picturesque afternoon, cans, bottles, plastic containers, items of clothing, food wrappers, one KFC Zinger box and fishing paraphernalia were removed as the class enthusiastically set about their task.


The final tally was over 30kg! A very impressive effort indeed. So, remember the simple action you can take the next time you leave the beach, waterway or anywhere … as well as your own, take 3 extra items of rubbish and you’ll definitely make a difference!


David Cole | Year 11 Wellbeing Coordinator

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.