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Internal Reality Immersive Art Exhibition - 'Soul State'


The task was to create an ‘internal reality’ of a location, or something tied to nature.

This art piece has meaning and representations. The blue fire shown is meant to represent the human soul and passion. The columns forming a hallway at the begging represent thinking and how it can lead to spiritual gratification, discoveries of the unknown, and enlightenment. The small fire that turns into a beam and hits the tower is meant to represent that there is something or someone in the tower that allowed you (the viewer) to enter the spiritual terrain and enlightenment, the reason for that is that there is a hidden factor that allows you to enter, being smart, strong, and kind-hearted isn’t enough and the tower is a manifestation of this unknown factor. This unknown factor is often referred to as fate, the universe, and some form of God that allows people to be enlightened.

The blue creatures floating are spirits that are physical incarnations of the unknown, hence the reason I put masks on them making them ominous. The unknown can be human desire, the laws of the universe, or even simple mysteries. there is a hint that they are manifestations of the unknown in the animations, and then the landscape is revealed through blue lines the creatures aren’t shown but when the landscape fully forms the creatures are there watching you showing that they were always there, but you couldn’t see them at first. There is a physical prop of one of the spirits’ masks, the mask is noticeably damaged and there is no spirit behind it. There is no spirit behind the mask because the unknown they represent became known, killing the spirit and shattering its mask.

I used colour theory in my art piece, I mainly used blue and grey colours to give a calming and focused state, yet it is also a sad colour the colour blue fits perfectly with my animation. The only other colour used is bronze-orange on the masks, the reason for that is to make people’s eyes draw towards them since it stands out and is a complementary colour. The three animations created normally take a team of five artists, I did the animation and the art for this animation. I did this to see my limits and to show my skills at the same time.

View the art piece here.

Drew Nieuwenhuizen | Year 11

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.