

Student Work Chosen for Stage 2 Art Exhibition


Each year the SACE board selects a number of artworks created by Stage 2 students across South Australia for exhibition in their art show at Light Square Gallery. This year, 2021 Year 12 student Amelia Taylor’s artwork 'I want to hold your hand' was chosen for curation.

"I want to hold your hand was developed through the exploration of capturing a moment in time within artwork; how a moment in time is more than what you can see, it is the feeling and the emotion that makes it so special. This piece captures the moment where I played my late Grandad’s guitar for the first time, it was a moment full of various emotions; joy in seeing the guitar, sadness in not being to share the moment with him and sentimentality as Dad and I looked back on the guitar and its importance to Grandad. Just like Dad and I, Grandad loved music. The title of this piece is significant to this work and everything it portrays. It is the title of a Beatles song, tying Grandad, Dad and I together through our love of The Beatles and music. The song title also has more meanings than a romantic connotation; it means connection, familiarity, love and loss, all themes that my painting explores."

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.