

R U OK? Day


Last Thursday 9 September the College celebrated R U OK? Day, a National day of action to remind everyone of the importance of asking 'R U OK?' to those who may be struggling and need support.

To highlight the importance of checking in on the wellbeing of others the Wellbeing Leaders lead a number of activities throughout the day, including handing out ribbons and stickers to students and staff, live music performed by talented music students under the sails and at the Reception Building, a scavenger hunt, delicious fundraiser food and a basketball game in the Barrie Holmes Stadium between staff and students! These were just a few of the activities that were held to promote healthy wellbeing.

The College welcomed Coordinator, Tracey Wanganeen, from StandBy Support After Suicide, and Nick McInerney from Headspace Mount Gambier. Both talked about supporting our friends and their wellbeing. Tracey brought some 'R U OK?' sports balls donated by Longriders CMC, to remind our students of the importance of healthy wellbeing.

The College also welcomed Blue Lake Obedience Dog Club with their beautiful therapy dogs for everyone to meet! They were a hit with all staff and students.

Supporting our friends and family is as important as it's ever been. A conversation could change a life; don't be afraid to ask 'R U OK?'

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.