

Budding Surfers Took On The Waves at Robe for Stage 1 Outdoor Education


The Stage 1 Outdoor Education 3-day surf camp kicked-off with a 13-kilometre coastal walk. Starting at Beachport, 15 Year 10 students, Ms. Clark and Mr. Ross completed the challenging walk over sand dunes and along the beach with fully laden backpacks weighing between 16-20kg each. The Beachport scenic route includes the Salmon hole, blow hole, salt lake and Lake George. After finishing the loop walk, a late lunch was enjoyed opposite the Beachport jetty. We travelled onto Robe to set up our tents at the camp-site to then cook pre-planned meals on the Trangia stoves overlooking Guichen bay.

Day 2 provided many highlights, with students all claiming bragging rights on which ‘tube’ was the most spectacular. The conditions overall were ideal at long beach with a total of 4 hours in the water ‘cutting it up’. After thawing out back at the Robe camp-site, we completed a leisurely walk along the fantastic boardwalk route out to the well-known ‘Obelisk’ landmark. An early dinner was followed by a restful evening in preparation for our final surf session.

On the final day of the Surf camp we got up early and packed up our camp-site, keen to take on the conditions. Upon arrival at Long beach, our budding surfing champions were met with only a light 1-2 metre swell. However, good spirits kept everyone determined to make the most of the two-hour morning session. With a few shivers but plenty of good humour, the surfing grommets finished on a high and thanked our wonderful instructors. Points to all surfers for making it through the conditions. Well done all, I’m sure we could give a Kelly Slater and Stephanie Gilmore a run for their money! A hot hearty lunch in Robe proved popular as we farewelled Robe with lots of good memories.

Thank you to Charlie’s Surf School for providing surfing instructors!

Ian Ross | Outdoor Education Teacher

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.