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Upcoming Working Bees


ELCC Playground Blitz – Saturday 5 December

Can you offer half an hour Saturday 5 December? During the Working Bee we are particularly looking to finalise planting of the ELCC Nature Play area.

Please bring any gardening equipment you think could be of use: gloves, shovel, rakes, wheelbarrow, even your ute. The working bees will commence at 8:00am. Morning tea and refreshments will be supplied with a BBQ available from 10:00am. For those able to assist Saturday 5 December we ask that you please complete this online form. We will also be holding another ELCC and Reception Building Working Bee on Saturday 19 December. Those who can volunteer, please click here.


Wednesday 9 December– Middle School Student and Staff Working Bee Blitz

Thank you for your support this year in a range of ways as we have navigated the challenges of COVID-19 and maintained an engaging program for our young.

We have achieved a great deal this year, including the implementation of a new learning management system, the building of a new Middle School Gilap Wanga Learning Community including a wonderful Poplars Inclusive Learning Centre, as well as planning wonderful new and exciting experiences for our Middle School Students in 2021.

We are very keen to make an excellent start to 2021, but given the completion of the ELCC and Reception building impending Years 1-6 building works, there are many classroom shifts required in the Middle School. As such, I seek the support of the Middle School students on Wednesday 9 December, when we are proposing a Middle School Working Bee Blitz to assist staff in navigating the classroom and associated shifts as well as internal and external beautification works ready for 2021. In essence, whatever needs to be done to ensure students and staff feel good about starting 2021 will be tackled.

We are suggesting that students wear casual clothes that day, possibly bring some gloves if they would like, and a strong disposition to assist staff. It will be a day of hard work, collaboration and community building, and I hope you will support the day through the actions of your adolescent.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact me at or 8725 5455 if you would like to discuss this further.

David Mezinec | Principal

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.