

College Alive in a Sea of Yellow for R U OK? Day


On Thursday 10 September the College raised awareness for R U OK? Day. To highlight the importance of checking in on the wellbeing of others, we had a number of activities organised by our incredible student leadership team. These included a pledge-table where students pledged to ask their friends ‘R U OK?’, live music under the sails performed by our talented Rock Band, a scavenger hunt, tug of war, delicious food made by our hospitality students, basketball, football and soccer matches and a disco in the Barrie Holmes Stadium, to promote healthy and positive wellbeing.

Pastoral Care lessons were organised for students including guest speakers, to reinforce the importance of self-care and care for others. All money raised from the day will go towards funding grocery items for the Breakfast Club and lunches for our students.

Are you OK? is a question we need to ask genuinely and sincerely any time we notice signs that someone may be struggling. But there is more to say after R U OK? When someone says they’re not OK, make time to listen, encourage action and check in. To help people keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK we’re encouraging everyone to learn what to say after R U OK? For more information on how to ask the R U OK? question, please click here. 

Tania Sigley | Director of Wellbeing 

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.