

2020 Annual Senior School Winter Sleepout


Did you know that on any given night across Australia approximately 28,000 young people under the age of 18 experience homelessness? The factors that lead to homelessness amongst young people are out of their control and our Senior School students were challenged to raise awareness of this issue and to ensure that every young person has the opportunities that they deserve.

On Friday 7 August, a number of Year 12 students were involved in the annual Senior School Winter Sleepout. This event allows our students the opportunity to experience a night of sleeping in cold winter conditions. A simple meal of soup and bread was provided, generously donated by staff and families, and students spent the night under the Sails as the winds increased and the temperature dropped.

As part of their awareness raising, students also encouraged the wider Senior School community to make donations towards purchasing a swag that will be donated to the Mt Gambier St Vincent de Paul society. This swag will then be passed on to a member of our local community in need during the winter months. Currently, students have raised over $450 towards purchasing a swag which is an amazing effort!

A big thank you to the staff and families who donated soup, bread and firewood for the evening, staff and students who came out throughout the night to support the students and to Mr Jason de Nys who also braved the cold by sleeping out with the students.

Chloe Shanahan | 10 - 12 Catholic Identity and Mission Coordinator

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.