

Noorla Yo-Long


On Monday of Week 4 the Year 8A, 8B and 8C Home Groups ventured to Noorla Yo-Long outside of Rendelsham. The Year 8 students were split into two groups and were put through their paces with communication challenges and risk-taking experiences, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The High Ropes course tested students’ balancing skills while at a range of different heights. Students overcame personal obstacles and were able to see their own strengths develop throughout this intensive course.

Students learnt the power of listening as being a vital communication skill. This was evident when they were running the gauntlet blindfolded, guided only by voice. This activity brought on a lot of laughter. Once the voice component was mastered, students were put through their paces on the obstacle course, which included climbing timber structures and ladders, crawling through tunnels, all while blind folded. It was amazing to see the communication skills throughout this session.

The students walked away from Noorla Yo-Long with big smiles on their faces knowing that personal milestones had been achieved. Year 8D and 8E Home Groups attended the orientation day today. More information about their experience will be shared in next week’s newsletter.

Nick Patzel | Head of Middle School

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.