

Middle School Awards Ceremony and Year 9 Graduation


On Wednesday 4 December, Middle School students, staff and families gathered in the Barrie Holmes Stadium to celebrate the achievements of the 2019 Academic Year.

Numerous awards were handed out during the ceremony. These include the Poplars Awards, Shining Light Awards, Faith in Action Awards, St Paul’s Awards, Julian Tenison Woods Awards, Barker Shields and the Lions Club Award.

We had the talented Year 6/7 Music Connection Choir, Maxience Williams and the Year 6/7 Band perform at the awards and what a wonderful variety of musical items we were enlightened to view. Well done to Mrs Creedy and her team for supporting the students in their performances.

We also celebrated the Graduation of the Year 9 students who will be transitioning into the Senior School in 2019.

The ceremony was a great opportunity for outstanding students to receive recognition for their efforts, and a great chance for students and families to catch up before the end of the school year.

Nick Patzel | Head of Middle School

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.