

2019 Year 12 Graduation


On Friday 29 November, we celebrated the Class of 2019 at the Tenison Woods College Year 12 Graduation, held at the Barn Palais.

Over 690 guests enjoyed a night of fun, catch-ups and reminiscing of the year that was. The graduation was not only an opportunity to celebrate the journey of the students in our community but also an opportunity to wish them well as they greet life and take their place in our community. The Year 12 students presented themselves with distinction during the evening and parents, as well as staff, were justly proud of the young adults they had nurtured for several years. At this milestone time in the lives of our graduates I asked them to reflect on what they have learnt with us at Tenison Woods College. In a community where:

“Every learner has a place, every learner has a pathway, every learner will shine. That is our challenge and our celebration."

I also made the point that whenever you SHINE you are bound to sweat. That is in essence a truth of life. And in all the SHINE-ing and sweating this year my hope for our graduates is that they have learnt simply, that in life:

“Every person has a place (where they are loved and respected), every person has a pathway (a destiny they will follow), every person will shine in the way that our God / their God will invite them to shine.”

That will now be their challenge, and it will be challenging, and they will sweat, and that will be most certainly be their celebration, with great joy and accomplishment. I hope that the Graduation certificate will be a reminder that it takes time, persistence, full presence (sweating at its best) to create something special and become the best you can be.

At this time, we are drawn to reflect on the past and offer thanks to the variety of people who have assisted these young in their journey. I offered thanks to their parents, staff, parish priests and invited civic leaders who have ensured, in their own way with their own responsibilities and relationships, that these young people present themselves confidently to our local, state, national and global community.

I urged the graduates to be citizens for the world. We expect them to use their experiences and gifts; we expect them to sweat and SHINE, sweat so that our society is as good as it can be, and SHINE in a way that shows they care about the reality of others. And in their sweating and shining, I asked them to ensure that their actions enable others to do good or shine.

I offer sincere appreciation to Ciaran Buckley, Sean Quirke and the Senior School Home Group Teachers as well as the Senior School Leadership Team for their efforts in preparing the students for their graduation. I also offered a vote of deep appreciation to the PR and Events Team who prepared and presented the evening with their characteristic flair, professionalism, can do and no fuss approach, to craft an unforgettable experience, which, I am confident, will be treasured by our families.

David Mezinec | Principal

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.