

Year 12 Breakfast, Assembly and Morning Tea


Thursday 24 October marked a very special day for our Year 12 students and their families. It marked a rite of passage, as it was their last day of formalities as a Tenison Woods College student.

The day commenced with a formal breakfast with staff, followed by a Farewell Assembly with the whole school. Students and families then gathered with staff over morning tea, before concluding with a final Mass. It was fitting to end with the Mass, as it is a visible sign of our mission in Catholic schools. We were privileged to have Fr Dean celebrate Mass with us, as he highlighted the significance of the occasion and the journey our Year 12 students had been on. Thanks to the parish Rosary Beads Making Group, who presented hand-made rosary beads to each individual year 12 student at their final Mass together.

Many people contributed to the success of Thursday, with representatives from all areas of the school taking part. At the assembly, the Reception students sang the song ‘My Wish’ to the Year 12 students. This had special significance as it was the song our Year 12’s sang to their buddies all the way back when they were in Reception. Junior School students led prayer, whilst representatives from Year 9 and Year 11 presented a tribute to the Class of 2019. Our 2019 College Captains – Emily Turley and James Lucas – presented some heartfelt thanks for the support shown by the school. Emily and James also presented our 2020 College Captains – Ethan Herpich and Jess Snell – with a candle, as a symbol of the light that shines in all of us and their captain’s blazer.

A highlight of the day was the family involvement. It was rewarding to see so many parents, family members and friends sharing in the celebrations and reflections. Families should be recognised for the tremendous support that they give their children, and this milestone is just as much about the families as it is the student.

The Class of 2019 have all demonstrated growth during their time at the College – academically, spiritually, socially and physically – of which we are very proud. I have every confidence that once they leave us, they will be the best people they can be for the world beyond school. Best of luck with your exams.

Ciaran Buckley | Head of Senior School

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.