
Newsletter image 2 T2 W8 2019.jpg

Timor-Leste Immersion fundraising update


To complete our fundraising for the 2019 Timor-Leste Immersion trip, the
inaugural Junior and Middle school discos were held on Friday night at St Paul’s Hall. The 2 events were a huge success with students, staff, and Father Dean dancing the night away. Special thanks to all staff who came out to help supervise the night. The disco raised $1800.

At the Saturday night and Sunday morning Masses the Timor-Leste Immersion
students were presented to the Parish where they received a blessing from
Father Dean and well wishes for the upcoming immersion. Rosary Beads that have been made during lunchtime activities also received a blessing. After each Mass the students sold soup and raffle tickets. They were blown away with the generosity at both Masses, rai sing a further $500.

Also on Sunday the group spent the afternoon packing 150 washable sanitary hygiene kits that have been made and donated by the local Days for Girls Mount Gambier group. The kits will be delivered to females in Timor Leste who do not have access to adequate feminine hygiene resources or education. Special thanks to Vicki and Chelsea Gabriel, Denise Mitselburg and Geraldine Pluckhahn who make the components for the packs and also helped us put the packs together.

This year the Timor Immersion is looking at building a new sister school relationship with Francisco Xavier College, Hatolia. To formalise this partnership a Memorandum of Understanding was signed during the Whole School Mass last week by Father Dean, David Mezinec and Michelle Coote. In Timor-Leste this document will be signed by the Bishop of Dili, the Parish Priest of Hatolia and myself. This is not a legally binding document but rather, an understanding / agreement that we offer to support and learn from each other over the coming years. It is a very exciting development for the Immersion Trip and we are looking forward to meeting everyone in the community in a few short weeks.

Finally, the Timor-Leste Immersion participants would like to offer a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has supported this year’s trip. Every year we are overwhelmed by the generosity of our community and this year has been no different. We look forward to sharing stories and photos when we return.

Bernadette Fisher | Timor-Leste Immersion Coordinator

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.