
Newsletter image 2 T2 W3 2019.jpg

Ben Pettingill inspires students to “See from the inside out”


Thursday, 9 May saw Ben Pettingill visit the College to speak with the Year 9 and 10 cohorts about “True Vision.” The message of the sessions was to look from the “inside out” for any challenge you may face in life.

At the age of 16 Ben woke up one morning not being able to see. The doctor advised Ben and his family the devasting news that he had lost 98% of his vision for life due to a rare genetic condition.

Ben shared his inspiring story of courage and finding inner strength to overcome any obstacles thrown his way. Once Ben was able to accept that his diagnosis was something he couldn’t change, he learnt that it is important to always have an optimistic mindset. Since finding this new way of seeing Ben has competed in multiple Spartan Races, he Jet skis and has trekked the Kokoda Trail.

The students were left inspired and made the following comments:

“He was incredibly inspirational and humorous throughout his speech. I found it so amazing that Ben was able to look at life in a much deeper way after he became blind.” – Katia Griffin.

“Everyone was very engaged! The message that was brought out to all of us was very motivational and we were all moved by this speech.” – Danielle Thomas.

“I thought he was really inspiring, and it was good to hear that no matter what kind of condition you have, you can live a normal life and do every day activities.” – Imogen Telfer.

As a Year 9 and 10 cohort we would like to thank Ben for coming and sharing his story with us. We also thank Tracey Wanganeen from StandBy Support after Suicide for giving us the opportunity to hear Ben speak.

Tania Sigley  |  Year 10 Wellbeing Coordinator

Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.