In 2019, the VET learning area will continue to grow our programs to include new and innovative technologies. Technologies such as the laser cutter, 3d printers, the VET Electro Technology program, and new resources in Home Economics such as the new ovens throughout the Food Technology centre.
In 2019, we are also making upgrades to existing programs and introducing new programs such as Year 6’s and Year 7’s working in our Design & Technology workshop space for the first time and introduction of Year 11 Engineering Studies.
The direct result of our Junior Cooking Program- Stephanie Alexander is starting to display great success with our Food Technology students. Amazing work was completed by our SACE and also VET Hospitality students, with 2019 looking even more promising.
The introduction of a Visual Arts and Design Exhibition in 2019 at the College for the beginning of Term 3 will also be quite exciting. This will give students the opportunity to showcase the best of their amazing work for all our community to view at the exhibition.
I aim to keep our community well informed of all the achievements made by our passionate students in 2019.
If any parents or friends in our community have any hard wood timber laying around not being used, we would love to be able to utilise any timber donated for student projects in 2019.
Please contact myself via Email.
Thank you in advance.
The picture featured above is a major project completed by Sarah Cavanagh in our Stage 2 Food Technology subject.
Brad Colliver I Business Enterprise and Technology Coordinator 2019.
Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.