Lent 2018
Remember that through Lent we’re asking for your help to raise money through Project Compassion. By doing so, your donation can help communities all around the world. In Nepal, a Caritas Australia supported program has helped a woman named Janaki turn her life of poverty and disadvantage around. She is now running her own successful sewing business and has become a role model in her community.
Please donate to Project Compassion 2018 and empower vulnerable young people like Janaki in Nepal to build a just future for themselves, their families and their communities.
A just future starts with your support! You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting or by phoning 1800 024 413. Project Compassion boxes have been sent home with the youngest member of each family and are to be returned by Easter to the Church or school office. Further boxes are available at Tenison Woods College if needed.
Family Mass
This Sunday there will be a Family Mass. All families are encouraged to attend and we would love the participation of as many children as possible. If your child would like to read or help lead the singing please contact Rebecca Higgins here.
Parish Mass
Mass is celebrated in the Tenison Woods College Chapel every Thursday at 9:00am during term time (please note the change of time from 9:15). All members of the community are invited to attend. Each week the mass is attended and led by a different year level. The roster for the coming weeks is:
Michelle Coote | APRIM - Assistant Principal Religious Identity & Mission
Tenison Woods College respectfully acknowledges the Boandik people are the First Nations people of the Mount Gambier South Eastern region of South Australia and pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, past, present and emerging.