Week 3 Term 1, 2018

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Catholic Education South Australia
Beginning Year Mass 2018

Beginning of Year Mass

In perfect conditions, Year 12 students and Reception students processed down the aisle at mass, representing the value of every person in the College – both old and young.

Fr Dean linked the 2018 theme 'Hands Up, Help Out' with the actions that each of us take in our lives to help others and choose what is right over what we know is wrong. His references to the film ‘Star Wars’ won him further admiration from the students as he yet again linked the world of the young person to the mission of the Church.

As we begin the year we thank Fr Dean for his continued commitment to the College and for the way he enhances the faith experiences of the community.

Michelle Coote | APRIM


From The Principal

Lenten Season and Project Compassion – For a Just Future

This week’s Shrove Tuesday pancake fundraising day and Ash Wednesday liturgies mark the start of Lent; the season in which we prepare for Easter...

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CIM Team News

On Shrove Tuesday we launched the Project Compassion appeal for 2018. A box was given to each class for donations and a small box is available for families who would like to collect at home and support Caritas Australia during Lent. This year the theme is ‘A Just Future’ and celebrates the Year of Youth.

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Fifth Win of the Howard Mutton Perpetual Trophy

Tenison Woods College has won the Howard Mutton Perpetual Trophy for Country Schools in 2017. This is the fifth time Tenison Woods College has taken out this prestigious award – the third year in a row!


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Recipe of the Week!

Each week we will be sharing with the community, a recipe from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program.

This week, various Year 7 students prepared and cooked Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. 


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Asthma Medication Reminder

To ensure a smooth start to the school year, can parents of students with asthma please ensure your child has an up to date asthma plan and puffer at the Front Office. For queries or concerns, please contact the Front Office on 08 8725 5455.


8-12 Swimming Carnival and 4-7 Twilight Swimming Carnival

The strong tradition of swimming excellence and fun-filled water novelty games continues on Thursday 15 February with the 8-12 Swimming Carnival (8.35am-3.20pm) and Friday 16 February with the 4-7 Swimming Carnival (2.30pm-5.30pm). Thank you to Ciaran Buckley, Grant Lean and the HPE Team, who are planning two wonderful opportunities for students to shine, as well as have a lot of fun! 

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2018 House Leaders Announced

Our Tenison Woods College 2018 House Leaders have been announced!

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Wellbeing and Resilience Training for Parents

What skills would you want your children to have most as they greet the opportunities and challenges of life?

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Parent Teacher Association

We are excited to launch a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at Tenison Woods College in 2018! 

The PTA is a fantastic way to meet other families, create friendships and become involved in fundraisers and events at the college.

If you would like to be a part of the PTA, please contact Aleathia Holland via email at: aleathiaholland@gmail.com or like and follow the official PTA Facebook page.


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SHINE Media Is Back!

Click here to hear more about the new program.


Canteen Roster- Week 4

  • Monday - Cathy Edwards
  • Tuesday - Julianne Teagle - Edwards
  • Wednesday - Liz Fennell
  • Thursday - Lyn Wilson
  • Friday - Teressa Cain
Jess and Tina

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

  • Tuesday 8.00am - 12.00pm
  • Thursday 1.00pm - 5.00pm



Upcoming Events

Thursday 15 February

  • TWC 8-12 Swiming Carnival, Aquatic Centre, 8.40am - 3.20pm

Friday 16 Februrary

  • Interschool Swimming Carnival, 1:30pm,  Aquatic Centre
  • Year 4-7 Twilight Swimming Carnival 2:30pm - 5:30pm, Aquatic Centre

Saturday 17 February 

  • Mass - Liturgy of the Word of Children, 6:00pm, St Paul's Church 

Sunday 18 February

  • Mass - Liturgy of the Word of Children, 11:00am, St Paul's Church 

Monday 19 February 

  • 3000m Race, 1:20pm, Marist Park
  • Italian Tour Concludes 

Tuesday 20 February 

  • MILO In2 Cricket for R-2 boys and girls, 3:30pm- 4:15pm, School Oval
  • MILO T20 Blast Cricket 3-7 boys and girls, 3:30pm- 5:00pm, School Oval 

 Wednesday 21 February 

  • 1500 Metre Race, 1:20pm, Marist Park 
  • Open Boys Cricket, 8:30am, Frew Park 
  • Year 8/9 Boys Cricket, 8:30am, TBA

Thursday 22 February

  • TWC Athletics Carnival 1/2 day, 12:00pm - 3:20pm, Marist Park 
  • SAPSASA District Swimming Day, Mount Gambier Aquatic Centre

Friday 23 Feburary

  • TWC 8-12 Athletics Carnival, Marist Park 
  • JS Assembly, 2:30pm, Barrie Holmes Stadium
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High Performance Cycling Family on the Right Track

Congratulations to Year 12 High Performance Sports Program student Luke Wight who competed at the National Track Cycling Titles in Brisbane recently. He rode the 3rd fastest time for his Under 19 Men’s - 3km Individual Pursuit.

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Music Department Drumming Up Interest

Students interested in joining either the ‘Thunder Drum Corps’ or ‘Storm Drum Corps’ please contact Nathan Creedy at creen@tenison.catholic.edu.au by the end of this week. Places are limited. 

Mr Creedy will let interested students know the process to be considered for a position.


Elizabeth Creedy | Head of Music

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Baseballers contest National Championships

HPSP students Ethan Chuck and Brock Keding competed in the U16 South Australian Baseball team at the 2018 National Championships in Sydney in January this year...

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2018 School Fees

Please be aware that school fee statements will be posted out this week.

For all information regarding school fees, including discount for advanced payments, payment plans and school card, click read more below.

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Help Us Improve Our Communication

Tenison Woods College is always looking for ways to enhance and improve communication with parents/caregivers. Our communication survey allows you to share your thoughts and express any concerns you may have with our current methods of communicating. Your answers are integral for future improvements and changes at the College.

Click here to access the survey.


David Mezinec | Principal 

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Shining Light Nominations Closing Soon

Do you know an Old Scholar or former member of the College community who has gone on to do great things?

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Hamish Bowls Over School Cricket Championships

Congratulations to year 7 student Hamish Case who was a part of the South Australian 12 years and under Boys Cricket Team. The team played their way to overall winners at the School Sport Australia Championships in January 2018, held in Barooga, NSW. Hamish was the leading wicket taker in the final against Queensland, taking three wickets.

Congratulations Hamish!

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Softball SAPSASA Tryouts

Boys and girls in years 5, 6 and 7 are invited to attend the Lower South East Softball trials on Monday 19 February at Blue Lake Sports Park. Please see the attached forms for more information:

Boys tryouts

Girls tryouts

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Inter CFC Players Wanted

Inter CFC (formerly County Football Club) are seeking girls for their U12 and U15 soccer teams for the 2018 season. All players are welcome - new and current players.

Training takes place on Thursday nights: U12, 5.30-6.15pm and U15, 6.30-8.00pm

Registration Day is Sunday 18 February at Casadio Park, Bay Road Mount Gambier from 9.30am.

For further information, please contact Anna Cella on 0409 286 276 or email annacella@live.com.au

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Contact Us

Tenison Woods College
Shepherdson Road (PO Box 965)
Mount Gambier South Australia 5290

t: (08) 8725 5455 (Main Office)
f: (08) 8724 9303
t: (08) 8724 4650 (Senior School)
Absentee Line: (08) 8724 4659
OSHC Line: (08) 8724 4633

e: news@tenison.catholic.edu.au
w: www.tenison.catholic.edu.au


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