Week 3 Term 3 2017

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Catholic Education South Australia
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At Tenison Woods College every learner has a place, every learner has a pathway, every learner will shine. That is our challenge and our celebration.

I was delighted that many families attended the 2018 Year 8 - 12 Pathways Expo and Subject Selection Information Evening, which marked the beginning of the subject counselling process for Middle and Senior School, in preparation for the 2018 academic year.

The purpose of the Pathways Expo was to assist students and parents to gather information regarding a large variety of subjects that are offered at Tenison Woods College and to assist students to make informed decisions regarding their subject choices and learning. Consequently, during the Expo, subject area information booths provided: information to students regarding subject offerings; pathways within a subject area; skills which can be developed in the subject; pathways post schooling; tertiary and TAFE education options; and samples of student work.

The Expo saw the launch of a number of brand new subjects that will be offered at the College from 2018. One which we are excited to see as part of the curriculum is Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) which is available to students in Year 9 and 10. The program is setup to run in conjunction with the UniSA Australian HPV Super Series and the Victorian HPV Series, a competition where teams of student’s race Human Powered Vehicles (HPV’s) on a closed controlled circuit. The HPV is supplied by the College and maintained by the students in the program. The program covers a number of learning areas, including engineering and science, design and technology and health and physical education. We look forward to rolling this out in the new year.

The expo was a further expression of our commitment to serve the individual needs of each student in our learning community and to support parents as prime educators in the life of our young to foster those pathways.

Our 2018 Year 8 - 12 Curriculum Handbooks are now available to view on our website. 

David Mezinec | Principal


From the Principal

Pathways Expo and Vocations Week

It is fitting that our Pathways Expo takes place during Vocations Awareness Week; a special time of prayer for all vocations, but in particular for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life.

Earlier this year, Pope Francis spoke about vocations in his message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations. He spoke of every Christian as a “Christopher, a bearer of Christ, to his brothers and sisters.” He clearly names that it is every baptised Christian who has a unique and personal call or vocation from God. Each of us through marriage and family life, single life, lay ministry in the church, priests, deacons and consecrated religious are called to a unique purpose and mission in life to bring God’s love into our world.

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CIM Team News

Walk for Homelessness
This week is National Homelessness week. The Social Justice groups at Tenison Woods College are holding a Winter Walk for Homelessness on Friday 11 August. Everyone is most welcome to join the walk from the Rail Lands to Tenison Woods College along the rail corridor walking track. The walk will take place rain, hail or shine to show support for those who are doing it tough this winter in Mount Gambier. The group will leave the Dining Car Café at 8.00am. A Gold Coin donation will be collected from each participant and this will be given to the Sunset Kitchen who support locals by providing warm meals and food to those in need.

Mary MacKillop Feast Day
This week we celebrated the feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Ms Lloyd and the Year 7 MacKillop Leaders spent the day at Penola celebrating the day with students from Mary MacKillop Memorial School. At Tenison Woods College, students in the MacKillop house celebrated a shared lunch and enjoyed wearing their PE uniform to show off their house colours.

Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
This important feast is celebrated on Tuesday 15 August. We remember the story of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and how she was bodily assumed into heaven. This is such an important day on the Church's liturgical calendar that it is a Holy Day of Obligation and we are encouraged to attend mass. Tenison Woods College students will attend a Whole School Mass at 11.00am in the Barrie Holmes Stadium. Members of the school community are invited to attend this.

Other masses in the South East will be held at the following times:

Monday 14 August 

  • 6.00pm - Vigil Mass – St Paul’s Church Mount Gambier (Rosary at 5.40pm)

Tuesday 15 August

  • 9.30am - St Alphonsus Church, Millicent
  • 5.00pm - St Paul’s Church, Mount Gambier (Rosary at 4:40pm)

Games Night
Please see the poster attached for a fun family night being organised by the students attending the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Sydney in December. The night promises to be loads of fun for all ages. BYO supper and drinks.

Parish Mass:
A reminder that Parish mass is held each Thursday of the term (except Week 1) and is led by a different class or year level each week.

Mass is held at 9:15am in the College Chapel and all parents, grandparents and friends are welcome to attend.

The roster for Term 3 masses is:

  • Thursday August 10   Year 5
  • Thursday August 17   Year 7
  • Thursday August 24  Year 6
  • Thursday August 31  Year 11
  • Thursday September 7  Year 10
  • Thursday September 14  Year 8
  • Thursday September 21  Year 12
  • Thursday September 28  Year 9

Michelle Coote | APRIM - Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission


2017 School Photographs

School Photographs for 2017 will be taken on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 August (Week 6). All students will have their photographs taken for our school records. All students must be wearing their correct full winter uniform which includes the Tenison Woods College jumper.
HOW TO ORDER: Envelopes to order school photographs will be distributed to students this week, with extra envelopes and family photo forms available from the Front Office. Students from Reception to Year 5 can bring back their photo envelopes prior to the day and pass on to their class teacher. Students in Year 6-12 are asked to bring their envelopes to the photographer on the day of the photos.
Those ordering family photos are asked to submit their order forms to the Front Office by Friday 18 August.
More details regarding the school photos will be supplied over the next few weeks.


From the Counsellors

Changing your Negative mindset

Awareness is the first step toward positive change. Be aware of the impact that you could be having on your children when you silently berate yourself for something that´s gone wrong.

Negative thought leads to negative feeling and those feelings impact our relationships, work, motivation and overall sense of well-being.

When we focus on negative thoughts, we are actually strengthening the neural pathways in our brain to support a continued flow of negativity.

Speaking those same negative thoughts reinforces the path that can wind up leading to negative actions.

Be mindful of your thoughts.  When you focus your mind on positive and affirming thoughts, even when you are sad or frustrated, you will stimulate and reinforce the positive part of your brain. The more you practice, the more you will notice a shift in the way you feel.

Help your child to be more positive by modelling  Be aware of what you think  Your words stem from your thoughts. So, watch what you think and be careful of what you say.

Distance yourself from negative conversations and gossip

Helping shift negative thoughts to more positive ones. Next time you´re tempted to say “yes, but…” try saying “yes and…” instead.

Begin the day on a positive note e.g. positive affirmations.  Select a positive word for the day and try to add that into your conversations where applicable.

Share with your children what “acts of kindness “and positive actions were done for you and by you for the day and encourage them to do the same

Thanking, appreciating, smiling, hugging and shaking hands are quick and easy ways to show someone how much you care. Even the smallest acts can warrant a positive response.

Changing your language is the first real action step towards being a more positive role model

Jan Marie Mueller | founder of the inspirational blog ThinkBrilliantly and The Brilliance Community.


Friends of Music Photo Fundraiser

As part of their ongoing fundraising for Tenison Woods College music students, the ‘Friends of Music’ committee would like to invite everyone to be involved in an exciting opportunity. Theyhave partnered with AK Window Photography and Hurst Camera House to take professional photographs of music students with their instruments or in their ensembles.

 This opportunity was first offered in 2015 and many families were involved. The photographs are a beautiful reminder of your child’s involvement in music and also make great gifts. Images are just $15 each. Information has been sent home with Students and is also available from the Performing Arts Office.

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Raise Your Voice 2017 - A Forum for Young People

After the next Youth Mass on Sunday 13 August at 5.00pm, Peter Bierer from the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults will be facilitating a session to hear the young voices of our parish communities within the South East. This is a chance for young people and their families to share their experiences, ideas, concerns and hopes about being a young person in Australia and within the Catholic Church. A pizza dinner will also be provided. Those wishing to attend are asked to email Chloe Shanahan shanc@tenison.catholic.edu.au or for more information, please contact Peter Bierer peter.bierer@cesa.catholic.edu.au 

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Students recognized at Art Awards

On Friday 14 July the South East Art Society held their opening night for the 2017 Bendigo Bank Open Art Awards at the Riddoch Art Gallery. 

Tenison students Jaime Spicer and Max Crook both entered works into the Young Artist - High School Category and both received awards.

Tenison Woods College Art Teacher Jane van Eeten featured as one of the judges. 

Photos of the winning artworks for both Jaime and Max are on the SEAS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/southeastartsociety/

The works are display until mid August. 

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Open Girls and Boys Soccer

Last Wednesday, the College Open Boys & Girls Soccer teams competed in the SESSSA knockout competition. 

The girls played against Grant High School and Mount High School, while the boys played Naracoorte High and Mount High.  The matches were played in a good-competitive spirit and both teams represented the College extremely well.

The girls fought valiantly against a strong Grant team. Clare Davey marshalled the defence whilst Letitia Izzo worked tirelessly in the midfield in an effort to support Kate Bosco and Kate Kourmouzis upfront. Grant High added to their score early in the second half but the Tenison Woods College girls battled hard throughout and although Rose Irakoze bagged one goal in an effort to peg them back, it proved only a consolation as Grant took the win 1-2.

In game two, the girls faced Mount High School. They were unlucky not to take the lead on multiple occasions, with several attacks down both wings proving successful, but the final touch seemed to allude those in the box.  Kate Kourmouzis managed to score what proved to be the only goal of a very tight, even tussle with Tenison taking the win 1-0.

Meanwhile, the boys comfortably accounted for Naracoorte 4-1, with Christian Akinola scoring in the second half after James Davey had opened the scoring from a corner.  Matt Heesemans finished off one of the many fine attacking moves that the team constructed in a dominant display to round out the scoring for game one.

In the decider, Tenison Woods College knew they would have to be at their best to gain the upper-hand on a well organised and physically strong Mount High School side. The boys worked hard to contain the opposition. It took a superb strike to beat the solid Tenison defence. Leon de Cesaris was at his best early in the second half, but despite Henry Shoemark floating forward and playing well, the goal we craved proved elusive. Mount High getting over the line, 0-1.

The determination of the groups was pleasing, but unfortunately neither teams progressed through to Adelaide.

Looking ahead to the remaining fixture on the soccer calendar, the 8/9 Boys will play later in the term.

David Cole | Coach


Open Basketball

On Tuesday 1 August, the Titans basketball men’s and women’s open teams participated in the regional knockout carnival held in Mount Gambier. Both teams were victorious and undefeated for the day and have now qualified for the State Championships in Adelaide held on 15 August at Wayville sports stadium.
“Adelaide will be a test and drawing national powerhouse schools like Trinity College who are ranked 2nd in Australia will be a huge challenge for us. But we know we are up for it and look forward to flying under the radar a little bit while still aware of the process of winning big games” said Coach Stevenson.
Good luck next week and go TITANS!


Canteen Roster - week 4

Monday - Cassie Edwards
Tuesday - Julieanne Teagle-Lillecrapp
Wednesday - Liz Fennell
Thursday - Anne Gaffney
Friday - Bernie Passauer


Upcoming Events

Friday 11 August

  • Winter Walk for Homlessness
  • Junior School Assembly, 2.15, Barrie Holmes Stadium
  • Rotary Careers Expo, TAFE campus

Tuesday 15 August

  • Whole School Mass - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 11.00am, Barrie Holmes Stadium
  • ICAS Mathematics competition

Wednesday 16 August

  • SSSSA Open Boys and Girls Basketball in Adelaide
  • Mount Gambier Music Eisteddfods (until Friday)

Friday 18 August

  • SAPSASA Regional Golf Day, Naracoorte

Student wins place at National Science Forum

Congratulations to Year 11 student Elly Walters who has been selected to take part in the National Youth Science Forum in January. After a competitive application process, Elly completed a significant amount of scientific research before presenting to a judging panel last weekend at Ararat College in Victoria.

The program is designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and to encourage them to continue their studies in these fields. At the forum Elly will:

  • visit science and technology related laboratories and facilities
  • go on site tours
  • listen to lectures
  • take part in workshops
  • go to social events
  • participate in group activities that improve communication and presentation skills.

Participants also take part in sessions on entrepreneurship, critical thinking, how to work together effectively, and more. The focus is not solely on academic achievements, but on developing well-rounded individuals who have the skills and confidence to determine their futures.

Congratulations Elly, we look forward to hearing all about it when you return!


Regional Mixed Hockey

Our Tenison Woods College mixed hockey team equipped themselves well during the knockout competition this year.

Teams from Naracoorte High School, Mount High School and Saint Martin’s Lutheran College also had mixed teams in this year’s SESSSA Competition.

The mixed competition requires a team that have a minimum of five female and 5 male players on the field at all times. As Hockey generally has separate female and male competitions, a mixed team competition has been a recently introduced event in the South East.

The first game against Naracoorte High was a tight well-balanced match. Georgia Clarke and Daniel Ker combined to score the only goal of the game in the second half.

Tenison then moved on to play Mount Gambier High in the Grand Final.

Tenison produced a good quality game but unfortunately didn’t convert the scoring opportunities into goals on the board. The team ended up losing 5 to 3.

A big thank you goes out to the Hockey Association for providing the Umpires for the games and opening the Hockey facilities and field for this competition.

Thanks also to Michelle Clarke for taking on the coaching role for the event and providing the teams with structure and experience that helped them do as well as they did in this competition.

Given the limited time that the team had to work together they performed very well and again showed their ability to adapt and rapidly develop a positive team approach.

Troy Mustey 


Friday 25 August (Week 5) - 9.00am in the Barrie Holmes Stadium. ELCC – Year 7.

Book Week 2017 asks your children to ‘Escape to Everywhere’; an exciting invitation with a world full of possibilities. One of the greatest joys of reading, for children and adults alike, is the opportunity to escape! Delve into our guide of ideas with your child to help decide their Book Week costume: will they escape to the past, a fantasy land or perhaps even another universe?

Escape to… the skies!
What better way to escape than to be the pilot of your own aircraft! The possibilities are endless; grab your pilot hat and fly away to an exotic island or perhaps even Antarctica!

Escape to… the past!
Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in the prehistoric era, amongst the dinosaurs? This book week you can find out! Grab your best dinosaur outfit or skip brushing your hair to be the perfect caveman. Other historical characters perfect for book week include Vikings, queens or knights in shining (or alfoil!) armour.

Escape to… Neverland!
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Peter Pan! This Disney favourite is the perfect character to escape with this book week; easily recreated with tights and some green apparel. Or perhaps adorable fairy Tinkerbell is more your cup of tea – or Captain Hook!

Escape to… Mars!
Escape to another planet by dressing up as an astronaut! An alien or even a rocket could be other excellent space escape options.

Escape to… fantasy!
Don’t fancy time or space travel? Why not escape to a fantasy world and transform into a unicorn, an elf or fairy for book week!

With the magic of books comes endless possibilities! Where will Escape to Everywhere Book Week 2017 take you?

Chris Lloyd | Teacher Librarian

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UniSA Mount Gambier Open Day

Attend UniSA Mount Gambier Open Day on Wednesday 9 August from 4.00pm to 7.00pm and discover the range of study options available in the region from on-campus study to external learning or studying at one of the metropolitan campuses in Adelaide. You can also take a tour, talk to current staff and students, go to presentations and learn more about studying with UniSA including entry pathways, student support services and life on campus. For more information visit unisa.edu.au/openaugust.

Marie Hoare | Careers Coordinator

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SAPSASA Basketball

On Friday 4 August, Tenison Woods College were represented at the SAPSASA basketball tournament by three teams; two male and one female team. It was a great day for Titans basketball with both boys and girls Titans (A) teams winning both divisions respectively going undefeated.
The boys (B) team coached by Zac Dewitt were also successful in their efforts for the day, losing just one game and showing heart and hustle.
Titans Head Coach Rohan Stevenson stated “ It was great for both teams to qualify and get through to the next round” The Boys are defending their title from last year so we always have a X on our back and improvement and confidence is a must moving forward”
Stevenson also said  “The girls team is also very talented and create a buzz on and off the court. All the girls seem to buy into what needs to be done and look forward to their next challenge.
These fantastic results see the teams qualify for SAPSASA Regional Basketball Day held at the Mount Gambier Ice House on Friday 25 August.
We wish every team the best of luck and hope that both groups continue to improve and achieve at the next tournament.


Students - Don’t Miss the only Tertiary Information Event for the South East

TOMORROW Thursday 10 August 6:00pm – 7:30pm.

Rotary Careers Information Evening Open to parents and students from all year levels at the Mount Gambier TAFE Thursday 10 August 6pm-7:30pm. Go to Facebook page (Rotary Careers Expo) to like it or contact Camille Clark via email: camille.clark@tafesa.edu.au. This is the only Tertiary Event now for the South East for students and parents to gain information about future pathways and tertiary study. Make sure you support this fantastic informative event. All the information you need in the one place including Universities, TAFE, Defence Force, Centrelink, Rural Doctors Workforce Agency and Le Cordon Bleu will be in attendance to answer your questions and inspire you for the future.

Marie Hoare | Careers Coordinator


Online NAPLAN Testing

In Week 5 of this term all Year 8 classes will take part in a trial of online NAPLAN testing. Students will sit one hybrid test comprising numeracy, spelling, grammar and reading. It is hoped that school trials such as this will lead to more efficient and timely NAPLAN testing in the future. No individual results will be available from this trial as it is a test of our IT system, data speed, hardware etc. The Year 8’s have been chosen so that they will be more confident during the Australia wide online testing that is highly likely in 2018. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Chris Lloyd | Teacher Librarian



Congratulations to Year 3 student Aidan Salmon who was recently awarded most promising novice male dancer at the International Highland Dancing Competition held in New South Wales at the end of July.


Good luck to National Competitors

Good luck to year 10 student Hannah Elliott and year 4 student Jacob Salmon as they compete at the 2017 National Cross Country Championships this weekend in Hobart, Tasmania.

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8/9 Footballers kick their way into the State Final

Tenison Woods College Year 8/9 Boys team successfully progressed into the state final winning both games played on Tuesday 8 August at Tintinara Football Oval.

The first game against Naracoorte was won by a generous margin.
Final Score was Tenison Woods College 9.7.61     Naracoorte 3.0.18.

The boys backed up their first win with a strong second game, scoring 13.3.81 and their opposition Victor Harbor scoring 1.1.7.

Goal kickers for the day were Harry McInnes 8, Harry Tunkin 3, Matthew Davies 3, Jaden Grosser 2, Sam Dukalskis 1, Tom Ferguson 1, George White 1, Bryn Carmody 1, Josh Werchon 1 and Mitchell Varcoe 1.

Best players were awarded to Harry McInnes, Harry Tunkin, Zac Bradley, Jaden Grosser, Matthew Davies, Bryn Carmody, Hugh Armfield.

The team will now contest the Grand Final at the SSSSA Year 8 / 9 Country State Championship to be held at Norwood on Wednesday 23 August. We wish the boys the best of luck! 


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Uniform Shop Opening Hours

  • Tuesday 8.00am - 12.00pm
  • Thursday 1.00pm - 5.00pm

Contact Us

Tenison Woods College
Shepherdson Road (PO Box 965)
Mount Gambier South Australia 5290

t: (08) 8725 5455 (Main Office)
f: (08) 8724 9303
t: (08) 8724 4650 (Senior School)
Absentee Line: (08) 8724 4659
OSHC Line: (08) 8724 4633

e: news@tenison.catholic.edu.au
w: www.tenison.catholic.edu.